Children's Services

SCO helps get children off to a healthy start with programs starting even before birth and continuing through the school years and beyond. Our goal is to foster healthy development, reinforce family bonds, and provide access to academic programming that lays the foundation for a stronger tomorrow.
Our continuum of early childhood programming helps parents to foster early literacy, healthy development and a love of learning with their little ones. Working with families, our goal is to ensure that children enter school prepared to excel.
For school aged children, we offer recreation, academic enrichment, and opportunities for leadership development in our after-school, weekend, and summer camp programs. Working parents appreciate the extended hours, knowing that their children are well taken care of in a safe and engaging environment.
Our Wonder With Me workshops provide staff training on infant mental health and teach the importance of mental wellness in infancy and early childhood to support long-term mental health.
Nurse-Family Partnership
Home VisitingRegistered Nurses provide in-home visits for first time mothers from pregnancy through the child’s second birthday.
Early Head Start
Home VisitingHigh-quality childcare and parenting support to pregnant women and families with infants and toddlers.