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Close to Home Residences

SCO’s Close to Home Program is a network of residences for 13-17 year olds involved in the juvenile justice system. The program utilizes the evidenced-based Missouri approach to focus on counseling, structure, education, skill-building and connection to family. We offer intensive after care services for a period of 6-9 months once a youth is released home to ensure the generalization of the skills they have acquired while in the program and to reduce recidivism.  Located in Queens and the Bronx, these residences are consistent with our philosophy of placing adolescents in small homes located in the communities near their families. Our Close to Home Program also includes residences for youth with developmental disabilities in order to better serve their specific needs.

Who Can Benefit from this Program

Youth adjudicated as juvenile delinquents and sentenced to serve time in placement

Age Criteria or Other Eligibility Requirements

Age 12-17; convicted of misdemeanors or low level felonies as juveniles

How to Access this Program or Service

Placed through NYC Family Court and NYC Administration for Children’s Services


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