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High Fidelity Wraparound

High Fidelity Wraparound (HFW) provides services for youth ages 12-21 with high acuity, complex mental health needs and their families. HFW is a youth-guided, family-driven planning process that uses an evidence-based model of care coordination to improve outcomes while giving families a greater voice in decision-making. The HFW team partners with the child and family to develop intensive, individualized plans and care coordination, enabling the child to remain at home or in the community. HFW Poster-Families  HFW Poster-Providers

We get to know YOU – your strengths and needs; who you are as a family and what’s most important to you.

We create a team together that meets monthly, where you are supported to take the lead in developing a plan to reach your goals.

We’ll work closely with you and your team to learn what works best for you and your family. We will support you to recognize your progress and make changes where needed.

We’ll celebrate your success along the way and support you to discover your power to face and overcome any challenges you may meet after Wraparound.

To learn more about Wraparound services and how they can help your child and family, check out this video.

Who Can Benefit from this Program?
Families living in Brooklyn or Queens with youth with high acuity, complex mental health needs.

How to Access this Program
Families may apply through the NYC Mental Health Services: Children’s Single Point of Access (CSPOA) (Write “High Fidelity Wraparoud” at the top of the application.)

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