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SCO Holds 4th CARE Talks – Decolonizing Therapy

October 14, 2020 / SCO News

On October 2nd, more than 300 staff from SCO and colleague agencies took part in SCO’s fourth CARE TALKS open forum – Decolonizing Therapy. It was the first CARE TALKS open to members of other agencies.

Keynote Speaker Dr. Jennifer Mullan shared her insight on how mental health is affected by systemic inequities and the trauma of oppression and how recognizing and addressing these traumas is a critical part of the healing process. Dr. Mullan’s presentation was followed by a Q&A session allowing participants to learn how they could incorporate what she had touched on into their work.

CARE TALKS are a series of quarterly discussions on race-related topics that are hosted by SCO’s Committee Advocating Racial Equity (CARE.)

About CARE
The mission of SCO’s Committee Advocating Racial Equity (CARE) is to cultivate a culture of social change by encouraging and fostering courageous conversations about race and racial issues at SCO and in the communities we serve.

We provide


families and individuals with support services and community activities

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