H. Craig Treiber’s Story
The Treiber ties to SCO go back three generations
Read H. Craig Treiber’s Story
SCO has a distinct leadership position among our peers. Philanthropic and corporate leaders, foundations and government agencies turn to SCO as a trusted partner. We welcome corporate partners who are committed to working with us to make a visible, measurable and positive impact in the lives of those we serve. See how corporate partners are enhancing our programs»
Event Sponsor
SCO has many events throughout the year. Support us by financially contributing a leadership gift. Support our next event»
Product Donation
Donate products to support our programs and/or the daily operations of SCO Family of Services.
One Day Volunteer Project
Make an impact by supporting, managing and carrying out a specialized project to enhance our programs. See our corporate partner volunteer projects»
Directed Drives
GAP Inc.
Through the hard work and dedication of their employees, GAP Inc. and The Gap Foundation has supported SCO Family of Services in many ways. Their commitment to SCO has provided life-changing results for the children, youth, adults and families we help.
Gap Inc. and employees from their apparel brands (Gap, Banana Republic and Old Navy) have participated in countless service-based volunteer projects, coordinated many in-kind donation drives and worked one-one-one with our clients and staff, providing skills-based volunteering in support of our programs and the people we help.
As part of Deloitte Impact Day, 150 Deloitte employees spent the day volunteering on our Madonna Heights Campus. The Deloitte team cleaned, painted, cleared and organized underutilized space—creating SCO’s new Program Support Center, which will house in-kind donations that will be distributed to our programs throughout New York City and Long Island.
Scholastic Inc. is supporting our initiative to embed literacy development into our work with individuals of all ages.
Supporting SCO with the crucial tools needed, Scholastic has donated nearly 10,000 books over the past two years which will help develop literacy rich environments where children live, learn and play; they are helping accelerate literacy development among adolescents reading significantly below grade level at our transfer high school in Queens with Read 180; helping kids in elementary and middle school spark an interest in reading with the R.E.A.L. Mentoring program at our Beacon Program in Brooklyn; and empowering parents in high-need communities to read with their children with the Read and Rise program.
We are proud to recognize several other partners including: