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Off to College Program Gets Freshmen off on the Right Foot

August 26, 2021 / Independent Youth News

SCO launched a new Off to College program that offers incoming college freshmen a variety of college preparation and career workshops, community service events, support, resources and a college package of essential items needed for the next step of their journey. It also creates an ongoing support community for aspiring college students. The program is open to 10th-12th graders, college freshmen and GED students.

The program offers:

  • In-person and virtual meetings
  • Community service projects
  • Trips and activities
  • Career focused workshops
  • College preparedness workshops

Participants are provided with program supplies, funds for a small community project, a stipend, and a College Shower to celebrate completion of the program.

The Off to College program is supported by the New York City Young Men’s Initiative through funding from their Community Crisis Response Initiative III – focusing on mentoring, arts and culture, sports, youth empowerment and experiential learning to young New Yorkers.

Space for the Off to College program is limited. Parent/guardian approval is required. For more information, contact Cathy Joseph at [email protected].


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