SCO Family of Services’ Robert J. McMahon Children’s Center Welcomes Molloy University Nursing Students
October 4, 2022 / SCO News
Six nursing students from Molloy University are working with youth at SCO’s Robert J. McMahon Children’s Center (RJMCC) to gain first-hand experience dealing with higher-risk pediatric populations as they complete their practicum in Community Nursing. The students are under the guidance of their faculty advisor, Jennifer Chen, RN, and RJMCC’s Director of Nursing, Claudetth Samuels, RN.
The Robert J. McMahon Children’s Center serves children and adolescents with developmental disabilities. RJMCC includes a Residential Treatment Center, which provides 24-hour nursing care, social services, and a variety of therapies, and the Tyree Learning Center, a New York State certified special education school designed to accommodate the children’s needs.
The Molloy students are in their final year of nursing school. As part of their curriculum, they will be conducting anonymous case studies of several residents as part of their final, covering topics such as behavior, activity, nutrition, psychosocial and medical needs.
Ms. Samuels, who also serves as a Clinical Instructor, said, “Selection of practicum sites is highly competitive. This is a real honor for RJMCC and its staff!”
Vice President of Residential Services Rasheed Frazier, Regional Director Kim Bargfrede, and Program Director Amy Gunter call the students’ presence on campus a “win-win.”
RJMCC residential and nursing staff will have an opportunity to demonstrate their subject matter expertise working with challenging youth. Students will learn different approaches to meet the needs of residents with a history of trauma, communication limitations and medical complexity.
Building bonds with local educational institutions, such as Molloy, will help SCO recruit and retain staff and will continue to promote SCO’s excellent work throughout Nassau and Suffolk.