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SCO Foster Parents Recognized for Outstanding Care

April 26, 2022 / SCO News

We’re thrilled to announce that SCO Foster Parents Olga and Manuel Cerron were recognized as outstanding foster parents by Together We Rise as part of their FOSTER LOVE FRIDAY! The Cerrons received a $1,000 award as part of this honor.

Together We Rise, a national non-profit agency, launched FOSTER LOVE FRIDAY to recognize outstanding foster parents and provide them with support in order to succeed. Agencies nominate foster parents and Together We Rise picks 5 foster families nationally each Friday to receive the award until they reach $250,000.

Olga and Manuel Cerron are currently caring for two special-needs children. They have adopted a son who is diagnosed with autism and are in the process of adopting their daughter who is also autistic. The Cerrons have continuously advocated for their children’s extensive needs and provide a loving environment for both children. They work in great partnership with both the agency and birth families, supporting the best interests of the children.

Casework staff has witnessed firsthand how dedicated, compassionate, and patient they are with the children. This award was of great assistance to the family due to COVID-19 related struggles and the money will assist them with their continued commitment to meeting their children’s needs.

The Cerrons were nominated by their SCO Case Planner, Laura Cabrera.


of 12th graders in Family Foster Care graduated high school; 44% are enrolled in post-secondary education

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