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SCO Receives NYS Capital Awards to Open Children’s Crisis Residential Programs

November 30, 2020 / SCO News

SCO Family of Services was granted two capital awards totaling more than $2.9M by the New York State Office of Mental Health for the development of Children’s Crisis Residence (CCR) programs on two SCO campuses, Madonna Heights in Dix Hills, Long Island, and Ottilie in Briarwood, Queens. These programs will expand critical behavioral health services for children, reducing the need for emergency room visits and psychiatric hospital placements.

The Children’s Crisis Residence program will offer a safe and therapeutic living environment to 14 children and youth (8 at Madonna Heights, 6 at Ottilie) ages 5-21 who are in crisis. The crisis residence will provide 24/7 monitoring and supervision, as well as intensive crisis treatment and support for the child, family and caregivers to facilitate the child’s successful return to home and/or the community. This program will provide children and families, human service providers, payers, schools, and health systems with an alternative to the emergency room and behavioral health hospital utilization.

Admissions will be based on need. SCO will partner with schools, doctors and other organizations to make sure these services are accessible to the children and youth who would benefit from them the most.

The Children’s Crisis Residential Program will be an integral piece in the system of care for children and further enhance SCO’s position as a leader in New York State’s Children’s Behavioral Health System transformation on Long Island and New York City.

The awards will allow SCO to repurpose underutilized spaces on the campuses in order to house the CCR programs. Both programs are anticipated to open in in 2022.


of residents in our group homes for adults with developmental disabilities attended Day Habilitation and receive vocational services

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