Sioban’s Ceilidh Supports SCO’s Career Readiness Initiative
March 17, 2020 / Independent Youth News
Irish eyes were smiling as friends of SCO gathered for Sioban’s Ceilidh, a reception in memory and honor of longtime SCO employee Sioban Rack, to benefit SCO’s Career Readiness Initiative. Ginnie Treiber, Laura Gay, and Grace Del Gadio served as event Co-Chairs.
The Irish themed benefit was held March 11th at the Nassau Country Club and featured performances by the Doherty Petri Irish Dance School, piper Robert Lynch, and an a cappella solo by Andy Stafford.
Sioban’s Ceilidh helped to raise funds in support of SCO’s new career readiness initiative to help young people successfully transition to adulthood. This initiative will help SCO’s youth as they begin the process of career exploration while facing challenges securing the formative work experiences they need to begin building a career path.
Thank you to all who came out to honor the memory of our dear friend and support the young people in our care.