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United for Brownville Launches $50K Grant for Local Small Businesses in Need

April 21, 2021 / SCO News

United for Brownsville (UB), a program of SCO Family of Services in partnership with Community Solutions, has launched the United for Brownsville Small Business Relief Grant, a $50,000 grant targeted at providing relief to essential small businesses that serve young children in Brownsville. The Sirus Fund provided funding for the grant, recognizing the need in the community and the unique perspective local residents have on how small businesses affect their community.

Small businesses are a vital source of strength for many communities, including Brownsville. They address communities’ particular needs in ways most responsive to residents by supplying goods, services, jobs, and capital. These small businesses have been particularly hard-hit by the economic crisis caused by the COVID-19 pandemic.

Grant applicants must demonstrate they are vital to the community and have a focus on serving families with young children that reside in Brownsville, Brooklyn, such as home-based childcare facilities and daycare centers. Other criteria include business location, community impact, and financial need.

UB’s Family Advisory Board (FAB), comprised of Brownsville mothers, fathers, and grandparents, will review the applications and select one grant winner to receive $50,000.

Any small business serving families with young children in Brownsville or areas immediately adjacent to Brownsville is encouraged to submit an application no later than Sunday, May 2, 2021. To apply and/or view additional requirements, click here.

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