United Nations Gift Drive Brings Holiday Spirit to SCO Family of Services Youth with Developmental Disabilities
December 22, 2020 / SCO News
Employees of the United Nations wanted to do something special for youth with developmental disabilities this holiday season, so they partnered with SCO Family of Services. The UN held an Employee Gift Drive to benefit the youth living in SCO’s group residential homes.
SCO’s Extraordinary Needs Agency Operated Boarding Homes (AOBH’s) provide a home-like environment for youth in foster care with emotional and behavioral challenges, as well as with developmental disabilities. The residences offer a structured, therapeutic environment that provides ongoing care and intensive independent living preparation, with a goal of reunification with family, placement in another family setting, or transition to an adult supportive environment. Specially trained Child Care Workers, Case Planners, Clinicians, and Social Workers provide a safe and nurturing environment where youth can learn how to build and sustain positive, trusting relationships with adults and peers.
Youth in four of SCO’s AOBH’s received gifts thanks to the thoughtfulness and generosity of United Nations employees. Thank you!