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SCO celebrates “Dads Take Your Child to School Day”

September 16, 2014 / SCO News

Fathers were the focus at our early childhood centers today during “Dads Take Your Child to School Day” – highlighting the important role fathers play in their children’s lives and education.

“I took time off this morning to come here with my daughter,” said one dad named Steven. “It’s important for us to spend quality time together.”

Dads Take Your Child to School Day ​is a statewide initiative that promotes father involvement by encouraging fathers and significant male caregivers of all kinds to take their children to school or Head Start. According to the New York State Office of Children and Family Services, children whose fathers take active roles in their educational lives: get better grades, exhibit healthier behavior, enjoy school more and are more likely to graduate from high school.

Kudos to all the fathers and father figures who show their commitment to their children’s education today and every day of the year!

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