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SCO Family of Services Celebrates $1 Million Legacy Gift and Names Residence for Mothers in Recovery the Scanlan-Dufek Residence

April 19, 2024 / Madonna Heights News

April 19, 2024, Dix Hills, NY – SCO Family of Services, a leading provider of essential human services in NYC and Long Island, celebrated a $1 million bequest from long-time champion Marie Scanlan at a special ribbon cutting and dedication of its residence for women in recovery on April 17, 2024.

The Scanlan-Dufek Residence, named in honor of Marie Scanlan and Thomas Dufek, a former Board Member of Madonna Heights and SCO Family of Services, is home to the Morning Star II residential recovery program that enables mothers recovering from substance and opioid abuse to live with their young children while receiving treatment. Morning Star II is the only program of its kind on LI that enables mothers to cohabitate with their children.

“We are thrilled to recognize the generosity and commitment of Marie Scanlan and Thomas Dufek to SCO by dedicating this special place in their honor,” said Suzette Gordon, President and CEO of SCO Family of Services. “The Scanlan-Dufek Residence will provide a nurturing and therapeutic environment that will significantly enhance our ability to support those on their journey to recovery and resilience while keeping their families together.”

During the ribbon cutting ceremony, Tom Dufek remarked, “This bequest is far more than a donation; it’s a legacy, a beacon of hope that will continue to illuminate the path for those in need, for years to come. It stands as a testament to Marie’s remarkable character and her deep commitment to making a lasting impact.”

Morning Star II provides an array of therapeutic services that help women in recovery with young children to develop a substance-free, self-supporting lifestyle. SCO’s original Morning Star facility opened in 1994, distinguishing itself as uniquely dedicated to serving the distinct needs of women in recovery from substance abuse. Morning Star II opened in 2007 to reunite mothers and their young children during the recovery process. Both programs provide a safe environment for healing and offer 24-hour care to address women’s physical, emotional and social needs, and help women and their families transition successfully back into their communities, ensuring long-term recovery.

Since its inception, Morning Star has served over 1500 women on their road to recovery.

Morning Star is one of several programs on the Madonna Heights campus in Dix Hills that provides residential and community-based programs that cater to the unique needs of women, girls, and families, empowering them towards a brighter future.

About SCO Family of Services

SCO Family of Services helps New Yorkers build a strong foundation for the future. We get young children off to a good start, launch youth into adulthood, stabilize and strengthen families and unlock potential for children and adults with special needs. SCO has played a vital role delivering human services in communities throughout New York City and Long Island for over 125 years. For more information, please visit www.sco.org.

About SCO Madonna Heights

Madonna Heights, a program of SCO Family of Services, is an empowering environment designed specifically for women and girls to heal and thrive. Located on 56 acres in Dix Hills, Madonna Heights provides 24-hour care to address the physical, emotional, and social needs unique to women and girls.

In addition to Morning Star, our campus is comprised of a Residential Program and School for adolescent girls who have suffered trauma, a Mental Health Clinic for families, and an Outpatient Substance Use Treatment program for women, men, and adolescents.

We inspire


children and teens through academic, after-school, summer and work readiness programs

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