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SCO Presents at COFCCA

March 22, 2019 / SCO News

SCOSCO’s Travis O’Dell and Windy Vargas presented a breakout session at the COFCCA Residential Care Worker Conference on Thursday, March 21st. About 100 people from organizations throughout the city attended the conference. Their interactive workshop entitled “Boundaries and Sexual Misconduct” provided an opportunity for attendees to learn about appropriate versus inappropriate boundaries while examining the role of the “helping” professional. Fitting with the overall theme of the conference, “Facing New Realities: Commercial Sexual Exploitation of Children in Child Welfare,” Windy and Travis challenged workers to be knowledgeable about the consequences of overstepping boundaries and to take active steps to protect the youth in their care when they notice red flag behaviors that may lead to exploitation and re-traumatization. Participants walked away having explored their own level of self-awareness and practiced establishing clear limits that allow for safely building effective working relationships.

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