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SCO Family of Services Hosts Press Conference For Nonprofit Infrastructure Investment

February 25, 2019 / SCO News

Last week, human services providers across New York State held press conferences to recognize the important role nonprofit agencies play in bridging the path from a life of hardship to a life of promise. SCO Family of Services, a member of the Strong Nonprofits for a Better New York, hosted the press conference at our Westbrook Preparatory School in Westbury.

Human services are the foundation of our communities, providing critical interventions to constituents including after-school programs, supportive housing, homeless services, job training, community centers, and more. But too often, nonprofits’ infrastructure needs are overlooked and taken for granted.

SCO was grateful to have providers, community members, families, and local legislators who understand the human services sector’s urgent need for investments in our infrastructure.

Advocates are asking for $140 million to address delayed cost-of-living adjustments for social services workers and a $100 million investment to improve nonprofit infrastructure. In addition, nonprofit organizations are seeking $25 million to pay for the increase in the minimum wage to $15 per hour for employees.

“Sadly, New York State’s human services workforce as a whole has not had a cost-of-living adjustment in nine years,” said SCO’s executive director, Keith Little.

This investment is an important step in meeting the infrastructure needs of a sector that delivers essential services to vulnerable New Yorkers. In addition to sustaining nonprofits, these investments bolster local economies by engaging local contractors and technology professionals.

Keith Little was joined by Senator Anna Kaplan; Assembly Member Michael Montesano; Assembly Member Charles Lavine; Assembly Member Edward Ra; Rebecca Sanin, President/CEO of Health & Welfare Council of Long Island; and Stanfort Perry, Executive Director of AHRC Nassau.

Read more: https://www.newsday.com/news/region-state/social-services-sco-family-of-services-infrastructure-1.27635521?fbclid=IwAR3Gsj2QTbnxjW_s_C-fa54XaWRtzgYev7ugrkmshVS99Cd-Sr28RB5fNfQ


of residents in our group homes for adults with developmental disabilities attended Day Habilitation and receive vocational services

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