FirstStepNYC, is a state-of-the-art early education center providing high-quality early education services and parenting support to pregnant women and families with children ages six weeks to five years old. The center is a welcoming and engaging space co-located with PS/IS 41, a K-8 elementary and middle school in Brownsville, Brooklyn. Through the center and home visiting services, we promote healthy prenatal outcomes and focus on healthy development and school readiness. Our highly qualified staff help young children and parents reach their full potential. Parents receive extensive services beginning at a child’s birth, including comprehensive support from one of our family support specialists. The FirstStepNYC center operates Early Head Start (including ParentChild+), EarlyLearn, DOE 3K, and DOE UPK programming.
Read our FirstStep NYC brochure»
To apply, visit My Schools NYC
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A Vibrant Brownsville
Brownsville, Brooklyn is a vibrant, evolving, and unique neighborhood; and SCO is proud of our partnership with the community for over three decades. Read More