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SCO to Open High Fidelity Wraparound Program in Queens

January 22, 2021 / SCO News

Beginning February 1st, SCO will be opening a High Fidelity Wraparound (HFW) program in Queens designed for youth with high acuity, complex mental health needs and their families. High Fidelity Wraparound is an evidence-based model of care coordination that uses a highly structured, team-based, family/child centered management with the goal of keeping children at home and in the community, thus reducing the need for intensive behavioral health services and out-of-home or institutional  placements which will result in decreased Medicaid claims and spending.

High Fidelity Wraparound is a New York State Systems of Care demonstration project funded by the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA) with oversight by  the NYS Office of Mental Health and the NYC Department of Health and Mental Hygiene. The pilot provides very individualized services to youth and their families in a variety of city and state programs who have extremely high needs. SCO currently runs a HFW program in Brooklyn, one of only two currently in NYC.

The HFW team, consisting of a Care Manager, Family Peer Advocate and Youth Peer Advocate, provides intensive, individualized planning and managing to wrap services and support around the youth and his/her family. The team is specially trained and certified in the “Wraparound Model” and is available 24/7.

Children who live at home or in foster care are referred to the program via Children’s Single Point of Access (C-SPOA).

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