Faiz’s Story
Robert J. McMahon Children’s Center
The Robert J. McMahon Children’s Center (RJMCC) in Nassau County, Long Island serves children and adolescents with developmental disabilities. RJMCC includes a Residential Treatment Center, which provides 24-hour nursing care, social services and a variety of therapies that help them unlock their potential and achieve as much independence as their abilities allow. Residents of RJMCC attend the Tyree Learning Center, a New York State certified special education school designed to accommodate the children’s needs.
Who Can Benefit from this Program
Children and adolescents in foster care, or referred by the Committee on Special Education (CSE), with significant developmental disabilities who need 24/7 care.
Age Criteria or Other Eligibility Requirements
Age 5-21, IQ < 50; must have been placed at the RJMCC through social services or through CSE
How to Access this Program or Service
Through Administration for Children’s Services (ACS), county LDSS foster care services, or through Committee on Special Education