Madonna Heights School
Residential & Day SchoolsA New York State Regents junior/senior high school for adolescent girls who live on the Madonna Heights campus or are referred by their local school district.
Madonna Heights Group Residence
Residential ProgramsA group residence offering an environment that teaches, strengthens, and encourages young women to heal from trauma.
Madonna Heights Residential Treatment Facility
Residential ProgramsThe Madonna Heights RTF provides adolescent girls and young women with the most intensive residential mental health services available outside of a hospital.
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Madonna Heights Family Service Mental Health Clinic
Mental Health ClinicsThe Madonna Heights Family Service Clinic is an outpatient mental health clinic, supporting families as they overcome obstacles and strengthen existing bonds
Read More about Madonna Heights Family Service Mental Health Clinic
Care Management
Health HomeSCO helps manage and coordinate eligible children and young adults’ health care, behavioral health and service needs to make sure all needs are being met.
Morning Star
Residential ProgramsOur Morning Star residences provide women in recovery, including women with young children, with a safe, home-like environment focused on helping them develop a dependence free, self-supporting lifestyle.
SCO Clinic – Substance Use Disorder Clinic
Substance Use ClinicAn outpatient substance use clinic providing trauma-informed care for women, adolescents, and men.