Marina Licastro-Friday
Board Member
Marina Licastro-Friday was appointed to the SCO Family of Services Board of Directors in November 2022 as its first parent representative.
Marina brings a unique voice and a wealth of knowledge and experience to the SCO Board both as a parent and an employee.
She came to SCO through its FirstStepNYC Early Childhood Education Center where she enrolled her oldest child in the Pre-K class when the program first opened in 2013. She served as an active volunteer on their Parent Committee, in the classroom, and throughout the Center, and has also served on the Parent Policy Council. When an employment opportunity presented itself, Marina joined SCO as an Administrative Assistant at FirstStep and was later promoted to Office Manager.
Marina currently works for the New York City Department of Sanitation. She holds a Bachelor’s degree from John Jay College, majoring in Criminal Justice with minors in Law and History. She is married and has three sons who have all been enrolled at FirstStepNYC. Her youngest son is currently attending the Center.