Lori Hannibal

Vice President, Community Health and Wellness

Lori Hannibal oversees SCO’s health and wellness portfolio of programs, providing expertise and vision while promoting collaboration and fiscal responsibility. Her team of health professionals provide Care Management, Behavioral Health, and Substance Use supports to meet the needs of those we serve – at home, in the community, in residential programs, or at our clinics. Lori also manages the Madonna Heights campus in Dix Hills, which is comprised of Substance Use Treatment and Recovery, Mental Health Services, and intensive programming for adolescent girls at the Madonna Heights Group Residence, Madonna Heights School, and Residential Treatment Facility.

Lori originally joined SCO in 1988 as a foster care Case Worker. She returned to SCO in 2010 to launch the Long Island Bridges to Health program and would continue to advance in leadership roles, eventually overseeing SCO’s Care Management, Children and Family Treatment and Support Services (CFTSS), and numerous other Office of Mental Health and OASAS programs.

Lori is a graduate of Lehman College and earned an MSW from Fordham University. She is a Licensed Clinical Social Worker.


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of residents in our NYC shelters were successfully discharged to stable housing

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