Anansa Bagot

Vice President, Education and Community Services

Anansa Bagot was named Vice President of Education and Community Services in November 2023, after serving for four months as the Interim VP. In this role, Anansa oversees SCO’s continuum of Early Childhood services, which includes Early Childhood Education Centers, Home-Visiting Programs, Early Learn and Early Head Start programs, and the Family Child Care Network. Additionally, Anansa oversees SCO’s Transfer High Schools for over-aged, under-credited students who are not on target to graduate; after school programs in Brooklyn for working families; and the Beacon Community Center at MS 35 in Bed-Stuy.

As Interim Vice President of Education and Community Services, Anansa is responsible for the development, administration, and operations of these programs, including organizing and planning program implementation, recruiting and hiring program staff, overseeing site development, and ensuring the integration of SCO’s services into local communities.

Anansa began her career at SCO in 2008 as a Therapeutic Caseworker and has continued to advance ever since, taking on the roles of Therapeutic Homefinder/Recruiter, Health Care Integrator, Treatment Family Foster Care Supervisor, Life-Set Program Director, and most recently, Treatment Family Foster Care Program Director before assuming her current role.

Anansa is a graduate of CUNY/College of Staten Island and earned a Master of Arts at Stony Brook University and Master of Social Work at Adelphi University.

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